Please use the form below to submit an online New Student Application.
If you have been asked to pursue Diagnostic Testing for placement purposes, please follow this link: and create a family account for your students so they can use the free online diagnostic test. Use Freedom Christian as your school name, id# 10416.
New Student Application:
Parent Name (required)
Parent Email (required)
Full Address -Street, City, State, Zip
Contact Phone Number (required)
Student Name (required)
Gender of Student Applying
Age of Student Applying
Date and Place of Birth
School Last Attended
Last Grade Completed
Marital Status of Parents
Father's Name
Father's Employment
Mother's Name
Mother's Employment
Other Children in Family if Not Applying
Name of Church and Pastor
Is the Father a Christian?
Is the Mother a Christian?
Has this Student made a Profession of Faith in Christ?
Name of Family Physician
Are Immunizations up to date?
Does the Student have any physical/mental challenges or allergies?
Has this Student had any academic difficulties in school?
Has this Student been expelled, dismissed, suspended or refused admission to any school?
Has this Student ever used tobacco products or non-prescription drugs?
How did you hear about Freedom Christian School?
Additional Comments
August: Psalm 1 - Attentive September: 1 Peter 2:1-12 - Prepared October: Ephesians 4:20-32 - Truthful November: Psalm 119:1-12 - Blessed December: Matt. 2:1-12 - Discerning January: Psalm 34:1-11 - Zealous February: Prov. 13:1-12 - Self Control March: 1 Cor. 13:1-13 - Considerate April: Rev. 22:12-21 - Responsible May: Psalm 138:1-8 - Humility
Name (required)
Email (required)
Your Message
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